ABAC Open Charity Golf

October 7, 2022By archmanAnnouncement, News


After more than 25 years of providing both international and domestic creative markets with numerous successful innovative entrepreneurs and proficient new-gen architects & designers, Montfort del Rosario School of Architecture and Design (AAU) celebrates the Silver Jubilee with academic and social activities in this special occasion.

Kicking off with ABAC OPEN, a charity golfing event in collaboration with the alumni association; AAU invites you all to join in this contribution to the construction of a learning center for refugees at Mae Sot, Tak as a part of our community service.

Expect a series of professional networking parties and casual social functions from Montfort del Rosario School Architecture and Design for the next few months to come!!

#aauschoolofarchitectureanddesign #schoolofarchitectureanddesign #architecture #AAU #golfcharity #art4d #charityevent #กอล์ฟการกุศล

AAU Advisory day

September 23, 2022By archmanAnnouncement

FYI AAU students, here’s the new arrangement for your meeting with your advisor—a required step for registration. Please complete it.

Announcement from Office of the University Registrar

May 17, 2022By archmanAnnouncement
Announcement from Office of the University Registrar
Changes in course fee to reflect teaching and learning
The Office of the University Registrar has changed the title of the fee for courses of the School of Architecture and Design into “Design Course Fees” to reflect the teaching and learning of the school. However, the amount of the fee remains the same. The change is in effect for students ID number starts with 64 and above for the following courses from semester 1/2022 onwards.
Architecture Department
AR2202 AR2204 AR3203 AR3207 AR4207 AR4208 AR5206
Interior Architecture Department
IN2202 IN2204 IN3203 IN3207 IN3208 IN4207
Interior Design Department
IND2201 IND2202 IND3201 IND3202 IND4201
Product Design Department
PD2203 PD2204 PD3203 PD3204 PD4205
17 May 2022

Petition for Online Participation

May 13, 2022By archmanAnnouncement
” “
Only for international students who are unable to attend on-site classes
Petition for Online Participation
(Only for international students who are unable to attend on-site classes)
As announced by the Office of Academic Affairs on April 4, 2022, the 1/2022 semester will begin on June 6, 2022 and all classes will be taught on campus.
1. The School of Architecture and Design understands that some international students may not be able to attend classes on site. This situation and may give students who are having difficulty permission to attend classes online.
2. The international students who are affected by this problem need to:
 Write a petition [“Petition FORM of Taking Online Class”] to request online attendance.”
 A copy of your passport or proof of residency.
 List of subjects you are taking in the 1/2022 semester and Study plan of study from 2/2022.
 Proof of travel restriction, i.e. official document, medical certificates – all documents submitted must be officially certified and prove the problem.
 All documents must be translated into English and notarized along with the original language.
3. However, the final approval will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the School committee.
4. All documents must be submitted to arch@au.edu, the deadline for submitting the petition is May 20 at 4pm., and the final decision will be announced on May 25.
For further questions and to obtain the FORM, please contact the School of Architecture and Design: arch@au.edu